When you think about it, there are a lot of great commercials out there. I'm serious. There are. And given the amount of bad TV I watch, no one should be more familiar with commericals than me. I like a bunch of those AT&T ones where the signal cuts out. And I laugh at some Geico ones.
But yes, there are a plethora of absolutely horrible commercials. Who exactly, is laughing at the Bud Light commercials? Perhaps it is the same people (read: Idiots) who laugh at The Scary Movie/Epic Movie unfunniness. And any commercial that has a jingle in it is not good. That said, they are certainly EFFECTIVE as who doesn't know who to call for your car glass needs (1-800-64-GIANT for those of you who had a pepple smack into your window this morning)? But few commercials are truly memorable. There are some you probably fondly remember (Where's The Beef? was funny in its day. Bo knows was legendary.), and some are more hidden gems (The Globe, "I can't believe I slept through Saturday"). But there are few that you actually take the time to look up on the internet.
However, there is one I constantly look up. In fact, it's favorited on my computer.
The commercial is now eight years old and deep down, I think it is why I have owned Jettas for the last seven years. It's called The Big Day and it first appeared during the 2001 Super Bowl and it could have easily slipped past you. There is no talking, no humor, and very few images of the product being sold. It does have a fairly memorable track to it that is still frequently downloaded and discussed on various message boards (yes, I have visited a message board that 's subject is a car commerical. Just add it to the ever growing list of things that make me an ass clown), but that is really the only sound. The rest has to be figured out by you, the viewer.
What this commercial does is tell the greatest, most passionate, most heart wrenching 57 second love story ever. This commercial does what so few films have ever done. TV shows that have dragged out relationships over ten years (I'm talking about you Ross and Rachel) have not done near as good a job at portraying the passion, regret, and emotional intensity of this under one minute slice of ridiculousness.
Really, I have tried to understand why this commerical destroys me. Maybe I wish I was one of the characters. Maybe I wish someone would do that for me. Maybe I feel so terribly for the groom to be and his I-Knew-It look. Maybe I feel so joyous for the bride to be and her I Knew-You'd-Come look. Maybe it's her sigh. Maybe I wish I wrote it. Maybe I connect with the Dad, who wants so badly for his daughter to be happy. Maybe I know what it's like to be stuck at a train stop when you have to be somewhere. Maybe it's the tagline. Maybe it's that I've never done anything remotely as brave as what this man does. Or maybe it's simply because I'm a sap. But somehow, I don't think it's that. It's something else. I hope you feel it too. Because then I'll feel like less of an emo kid.
But whatever it is, I hope you like it, because I do. Very much.
And by the way, I'd love to know your favorite commercial(s). So post a comment, because given all the stupidity we watch, I might be nice to watch something enjoyable.
Maybe you're stuck at a trainstop right now.