Been thinking about a few things while I wait until November 1st to turn on the heat...
Yes I love baseball. Yes I've discussed this before. Yes it's cliche. But there really is nothing better than playoff baseball. As you know, I was singing the praises of the Cees and the greatness that is basketball last spring, but did you watch those last two innings of game four the other night? There is not another sport that has the tension that baseball does. People can talk about it being slow all they want as there is no up and down and back and forth like other sports, but the tension is just so amazing. In basketball, your team with the ball, down by two, with ten seconds left is tense. As is a hockey game 7 in OT. A football game winning field goal? Please... The tension there is really great with that time out and all. But baseball? You hang on every single pitch. How awesome is your team pitching and it's bases loaded, no out? You freak out with that first pop out and then potential for the double play. Yeah it can slow, yeah it can be long, but like a great movie, no sport can create the tension that exists in baseball...
And speaking of baseball, there was no WAY the Sox could win that series against the Angels could they? I mean, they are hurt, slumping offensively, and the bottom of their lineup is gross yet they... Won. Thankfully, Jon Lester has turned into Andy Pettitte and any Bucky Dent homers and Bill Buckner errors have long since been forgotten. This team is no longer snakebitten, just charmed...
Yet another phenomenal Coldplay song has been released as a single. Hate them all you want, but it's easily one of the year's best CDs...
Is it possible that Barack can really win this thing?!? I've been trying not to say that out loud, but that debate was a disaster for McCain the other night. He needed to win it and got crushed...
So happy to read today that the Supreme Court tossed out that pathetic lawsuit by Lexington parents that said gay themed books were a violation of first amendment rights to freedom of religion (say what?). That's why I love the Supreme Court. A bunch of smart people bitch slapping down the morons of the world. And does it surprise people a little bit that it was LEXINGTON parents who filed this suit?!? I expected more from them... If it were Pepperell parents, well that would make sense...
I don't care what anyone says or how preposterous it may get, but Entourage is still awesome. I'm not specifically sure why I stand so staunchly by it, but I feel like people just hate on it to hate on it. It doesn't have a plot people. It never will. That's not what it's about. In case you missed it, there was no plot in Seinfeld either. And it's not supposed to be ER or Friends or any sort of TV altering drama like The Sopranos or Lost. But I do know that I love that it is a show about guy friends and there are rarely stories about that. I mean, if you're a dude and you hate this, you're just hating. Your TV show you made about guys would suck. And those shows that have ridiculous stereotypes, yet are loved by men like King of Queens are so tired. At least Entourage is trying something new and not going with the same wife/girlfriend/drinking buddy jokes that every other show has. I also probably find it more interesting than other people because of the movie industry references and subplots. This season is particularly great because it deals with Vinny not being on top anymore, which must happen ALL THE TIME in Hollywood. Not to mention, "Something Is Not Right With Me" closed a show a couple of weeks ago...
Speaking of which, September 23rd has come and gone and the three CDs I was eargerly awaiting are INCREDIBLE. TV On The Radio is an absolute classic with a metacritic

And Nathan, the leader singer of CWK, was a teacher before he became a rocker. It's gonna happen for me, I can FEEL it...
What really bothers me about Sarah Palin? No, not her thoughts on dinosaurs or abortion, but the red blazer she wears EVERYWHERE. Doesn't she have something else in her wardrobe? Drop some military medals on that thing and she'd be Napoleon. Bonaparte, not Dynamite...
I absolutely hate the blog/website barstool sports (largely because the guy is an ass clown who can't write, yet is way more successful than me), but I cannot stop checking it because of the daily "Local Smokeshow Of The Day" he posts. He finds girls from around Boston and posts pictures of them and they are always ridiculously hot. When I'm surrounded by Irish Knit Sweaters at The Burren and Bruschi shirt wearing dudes at Magouns, I find myself wondering where it is all these smokeshows hang out...
For those of you who didn't know, I left Melrose. I'm at Lynnfield. I miss my friends, but I almost can't believe that MHS and LHS both fall under the same job umbrella (public high school) because there couldn't be a bigger difference. But like I said, I miss all my pals...
I saw Lil' Wayne on Saturday Night Live and he is really, REALLY good. I downloaded a bunch of songs and it's nice to hear something good in the rap world these days. I've always loved the genre when it is good, but because of the eminem/50 Cent influence the last ten years, it's been so long since it has been good...
Speaking of Saturday Night Live, they had Kings of Leon and The Killers perform on consecutive weeks. These two bands did not show up on the VMAs. Yet I bet far more people were interested in those performances than anything on MTV. Nice work MTV. How to stay relevant. Again...
Speaking of which, will MTV and TMZ stop trying to make the Britney Spears comeback

Back to something you've heard a few times before: Curt Schilling. Can EVERYONE officially join my team and hate this guy? There will always be the bloody sock, but did you see him talk of coming back next year and that he could have been pitching in the playoffs had the Red Sox listened to him and let him have surgery last winter and blah, blah, blah? Could someone tell this guy to shut the fuck up? Where was the outrage on EEI? If Manny or Pedro pulled something like this, they'd be crucified. Yet the big fat white guy who was a "warrior" gets a free pass once again. Just shut up Curt. You're about as relevant as Britney Spears...
Sticking with the "where's the outrage?" theme, my brother brought a wild story to my attention. The CEO of Lehman Brothers earned 500 Million dollars in the past seven years while running his company into the ground. 500 million. Not 50 million. 500 million. A half a billion. He was punched in the face (seriously!) at his office gym just a couple of weeks ago by a disgruntled employee. My conservative friends are somehow pinning this whole mess on people like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd, but can someone please get mad at these billionaire CEOs?!? Please? Anyone? Bueller...?
I actually support the Massachusetts cops (despite being pulled over by Lynnfield's finest Wednesday) in their outrage at the losing of details. As a union guy, it is a change in working condtitions and needs to be collectively bargained. But I will say that the hundreds of thousands of Massachusetts residents who have been pulled over by really "coppish" dudes probably aren't crying over this...
I can't wait for Quarantine...
Did anyone happen to see (probably not) that the Celtics played a pre-season game at

October is shaping up to be yet another great CD month. The new Oasis came out Tuesday and Bloc Party and Snow Patrol come out later this month. And then in November, The Killers release a new CD. All of this makes me so happy that I can barely function...
Ever read Coupling on the back page of The Boston Globe Magazine? I have so many opinions about relationships that I can't believe I haven't submitted one yet. I'm trying to decide between submitting my piece on crazy girls reading emails and how people aren't surprised by this; the Magic 28 Theory, where men and women panic at that age and then just marry anyone; or how guys and girls really aren't and will never be friends because at least one always wants to sleep with the other, but yet they like to pretend they really are friends. Which do you think will piss off more people? And should I do a test run of these on my blog? I'll officially be out of female readers if I do...
And this years Sox team is not one of my all time favorites by the way. They have so many... White guys (I bet you didn't see that coming). Not only that, but they are all boring. They are basically turning into the lame Patriots where there are no good personalities and they just play like a "team." This works for the Massholes, but c'mon, are you really going to tell me you like Jed Lowrie? Jason Bay? They are so fucking boring that it is painful. I do like their rotation though. Dice K is obviously the man and at least Beckett and Lester aren't part of the God Squad. Although I was shockingly disappointed with Beckett's girlfriend...

Speaking of girlfriends, anyone see the GQ spread with Megan Fox?!? Yeah, I didn't either... I wonder if it's any good...
There is really nothing better than trivia games. A couple of weeks ago, my friends and I spent a weekend down the Cape where we spent 48 hours playing Scene It! and Buzz, an unbelievable game for Playstation that has actual buzzers. Anyone who has played it immediately becomes addicted. Playing trivia games will never get old and along with stuffwhitepeoplelike, I wish I thought to invent trivia games...
Speaking of stuffwhitepeoplelike, you been over there recently? While the fervor has certainly quelled, the writing by Jonathan Lander has not. The last two posts on pea coats and ultimate frisbee (how this wasn't #1 on stuffwhitepoplelike, I'll never know) are absolutely hysterical. Pay attention to what he says about what white people find in their pea coat pockets...
I can't believe how often The Globe mentions The Highland Kitchen...
Not sure how I forgot these two lines by Snow Patrol and Death Cab respectively: It's hard to argue when/You won't stop making sense/But my tongue still misbehaves and it/Keeps digging my own grave...... Our youth is fleeting/Old age is just around the bend/And i can't wait to go grey/And i'll sit and wonder/Of every love that could've been/If i'd only thought of something charming to say....
My boy Klosterman has a new book and it's fiction. I wonder if he can make the transition? Lord knows I'd write seventeen versions of the same book, so judge my boy I will not...
I love the T Mobile commercial with the dad saying that the family plan has a no Derek with mustaches clause in it. And that's Ari Gold's daughter by the way...
We may not always agree, but you'd be hard pressed to say who hates Halloween more, Molly or myself. So who writes the I Hate Halloween post first? As soon as she open's this, Molly will probably start one, seeing as where I beat her to the punch on the olympics one. Maybe we should co-write one Gees? I bet we both mention the fact that girls dress up as skanks on Halloween. But I bet only one of us comments on how much they enjoy this...
May as well be a complete and total homer... Sox in 7...
Yeah...Red Sox
ReplyDeleteYeah.. Manny
Yeah.. Lynnfield
Yeah...Skanky Women!
I agree with the nod to SWPL. I thought it had gotten a little stale over the summer. Those last two posts were outstanding.
ReplyDeleteAre you still on the Manny bus, or are you waiting for the season to end and the "Manny being Manny" stories to hit the press. The successful organizational moratorium astounds me.
I can't believe you didn't give a shout out to the new AC/DC drop.
Hey Thornton (I mean anonymous),
ReplyDeleteMake sure you are seat belted into your chair or you may fall off, but the other night I was listening to BCN and I hear this song that starts off pretty cool... Then I hear this gravelly, screeching voice and I say to myself, "Wait a minute? Is this...? Can it possible be...? No, this can't be AC/DC because I actually LIKE THIS SONG!!!"
I shocked myself... More importantly, I meant to post that and forgot... Go Angus...
Oh my god, this needed to be two posts. I had to copy and paste it into this space, and go back over it in order to comment and I am still not going to get all my points in. That being said "Allow me to retort". Entourage is STILL awesome despite the bad attempt at a bridge episode this past week. Ari is the best and his relationship with Lloyd is one of the main reasons I watch. Speaking of Lloyd's character, no way he gets a guy that good looking in real life. Now, in order to wash the gay off me from that last statement (any houses in Lexington for rent?) the Meghan Fox spread could be the Bo Derek, Christey Brinkley Samantha Fox (???) poster for this generation of tweeners. The Killers song is awesomely catchy, thankfully the bird feather jacket will not be. CWK October 14th WOO HOO! Shilling is only popular because he cannot help but open his mouth and actually say something non- Patriot like and Jason Bay is awesome. The trade worked out well for both teams (almost about as good as the non-trade with the Mets that I was mad about earlier in the year) and I loved the Manny comment from earlier this week. "I played hard man all the time. I may have jogged sometimes, but I played hard". Sox in 6, bring on the Dodgers (PLEASE PLEASE!) and let the fun begin. Phew.... now I need a nap.
ReplyDeleteLove new Killers, love new Snow Patrol, love new CWK, love postseason baseball.
ReplyDeleteGetting bored with Entourage.
Never read coupling, but also can’t believe how often The Highland Kitchen is in the Globe.
I know you love people who claim to be the “first” to do/hear/find/buy something, but Megan Fox was my GF way before you even knew her name.
Barstool Sports is like a car accident and I’m one of the rubberneckers who keeps looking back.
Awesome about the Lexington case…double awesome about the news from CT today.
Oh and of course I support the police, but not necessarily their protesting tactics.
ReplyDelete(in a really high pitched voice) getting bored with entourage!
ReplyDeleteWhere's the new post????? I'm bored!!!