Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Due To Overwhelming Demand...

... I feel like I need to expound on the things I hate portion of my last post. Really, that was only meant as a little throw away paragraph, but people seemed to take to it (unfortunately, many people were afraid to comment because they actually seemed ANGRIER than I was and didn't want to rock the boat) and really enjoy it. And since I am here to please my four loyal readers, I'll give you more things that annoy me. Couple that with the fact that it's been the longest week of my life, the school year REALLY needs to wrap up, and my back pain, I've been just a little irritated. And when I am irritated, I tend to hate. A lot. So, here are 107 things I am hating right now...

1. The phrase, "did me a solid."

2. Mark Teixera

3. Bands with stupid names

4. The never ending month of May

5. My ever receding hairline

6. The book Eat Pray Love

7. The yet unreleased movie, Eat Pray Love starring Julia Roberts.

8. Julia Roberts.

9. The Porter Square Shaws prices

10. People who don't know how to drive in the rain

11. Young teachers

12. People who said the Celtics suck (sorry, bandwagon full)

13. People who said the Patriots had a good draft

14. The new MGMT CD

15. People who actually like the new MGMT.

16. Phil Mickelson

17. People who actually like Phil Mickelson

18. Dunkin Donuts (that's not likely to change)

19. The fact that Ethan Hawke isn't in more good movies

20. Burning the roof of my mouth

21. Justin Bieber's haircut

22. The Family Guy "bird, bird, bird, the bird is the word" skit

23. Mark Wahlberg in The Happening

24. Zoey Deschanel in The Happening

25. The Happening

26. Shitty cheeseburgers

27. Lierberman's trade offers

28. Big aereolas

29. FNX playing continuing to play tons of 90s rock

30. FNX not playing The National

31. The local news reporting a house fire in Fall River

32. The local news showing a car chase in Oklahoma

33. The local news scaring people with health reports

34. The local news

35. Shitty fuckin crossowrd clues

36. My Yahoo! League Fantasy Baseball Team

37. Chapped nipples

38. Girls who are not wearing skinny jeans

39. Guys who are not wearing skinny jeans

40. Guys and girls who make fun of my skinny jeans

41. When Entertainment Weekly sucks

42. Jacoby Ellsbury's rib

43. Cleaning my blender

44. Waking Up

45. That "Fireflies" song

46. Budweiser commercials

47. Budweiser

48. People who like Budweiser

49. The broken treadmills at Bally's

50. The tiny locker room at the Woburn BSC

51. The ridiculous conversation I heard in the Woburn BSC

52. Woburn

53. Russell from Survivor

54. The fact I haven't sent in my application for Survivor

55. This zit on my cheek

56. My slow work computer

57. All the clothes in GQ that are ridiculously expensive

58. Having soup for dinner

59. Transformers 2

60. Wheat Beer

61. Seeing that lady who got attacked by the chimp on The Today Show

62. The Today Show

63. People who like The Today Show

64. Felger hating the NBA

65. When Felger hating the NBA gets me so mad I have to call 98.5

66. Calling 98.5 and having Felger call me a pink hat

67. The two day hangovers I now get

68. The fact that my PS3 isn't working right

69. Getting killed by my brother in darts

70. Getting up for morning hoops

71. Missing layups in morning hoops

72. Sucking in morning hoops

73. Jack Edwards

74. People who hate Theo

75. Missing The National in Brooklyn last weekend

76. Not being in The National

77. Not being friends with The National

78. The word closure

79. How quickly bread goes stale

80. People who didn't like Up In The Air

81. Talking about illegal immigrants

82. People on bikes (yup, still hate them)

83. Stained ties

84. Michael Scott's ties

85. Hearing "Hotel California" in spin class

86. Undercooked pizza

87. Ed Hardy

88. MTV Shows

89. ATM Fees

90. Watching people do box jumps

91. Watching Personal Trainers watch people do box jumps

92. Box jumps

93. Personal Trainers

94. Personal Trainers doing box jumps

95. Ill fitting suits

96. Mustard

97. Filling the Brita

98. People sharing iPod earbuds

99. Buying and then eating a candy bar and then wishing you had chosen a different one to buy and eat

100. How cold Massachuseets beach water is

101. Trying to learn slope

102. The space bewteen my teeth

103. Missing my online shopping deliveries and then having to go to the thunderdomey Somerville UPS place to pick them up

104. Omelettes

105. The Tea Party

106. People who are in The Tea Party

107. People


  1. Another tiger woods fan pissed off and blames his back. Go figure

  2. If only 4 people read your blog, that means they've each checked your page about 2,700... Talk about obsessive fans...

  3. How about hating this:

