Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Seven You Should See

So recently, a few things have happened regarding my blog career...

1. I am fully aware it is going nowhere, but that's cool because I still like it and have other potential avenues to explore.

2. As I said, I like it, but I think might need a more specified niche to make it go somewhere.

3. I have two ideas for a very specific blog, one is about candy bars (which seems painfully lame, but keep in mind, three Jewish Brothers with no knowledge of the food industry have a show that everyone I know references) and the other is called Seven You Should See.

Seven You Should See will be debuted right now.

Really, Seven You Should See will eventually run out, but it could turn into Seven You Should...

And then it could morph into antyhing.

Seven Beers You Should Drink, Seven Songs From 1996 You Should Download, Seven Pieces A Male Should Have In His Wardrobe.

But for now, Seven You Should... Will be Seven You Should See. Mostly because I like movies and mostly because I think I know more about movies than you. It also works because I am painfully comfortable writing about movies. But really, it works because I think you actually might take something from it. And without sounding all Jake From The Bachelorette on you, I might have something to offer you with this. So, here is my first Seven You Should See. And the inagural Seven You Should See category is romantic comedy because recently I saw He's just not that into you (sic) and it wasn't near as bad as people said, yet it wasn't near as good as a picture as some of the (I-Have-A-Secret-Crush-On) romantic comedies I have seen in the past. So, without further ado, here is Seven Romantic Comedies You Should See.

But before I get into this, I obviously need to qualify... Because it wouldn't be a Big G post if it weren't five thousand words, no?

And to qualify, I must ask (without really caring what you think) what is a romantic comedy? Because, the term, according to Netflix, Boxofficemojo, and iMDB can be pretty ambiguous.

Well, to me, a romantic comedy is a ROMANTIC COMEDY. And since the first word is ROMANTIC, then it has to be a romance first. It can't be a straight up comedy that happens to have a love story like There's Something About Mary, Knocked Up, So I Married An Axe Murderer, or Clueless (which for me would fall in my NEXT category: High school movies). It also can't be an 80s flick like Pretty In Pink (called a rom-com) or Can't Buy Me Love. Again, that's a different category.

So, with my rules in mind (since it is my blog) here are my Seven Rom-Coms To See. I only hope you have the energy to rebut my choice of genre or film. I mean, give me something people!!!

7. She's The One- Is it a rom-com? I say yes, simply because of John Mahoney and if you're old like me, you'll remember that this is what made rom-com, rom-coms (if that makes sense). No easy answers, an against the grain ending, a bunch of laughs, hot girls (Cameron Diaz at her finest), some unlikeable couples, and some likeable couples. Call this the He's just not that into you (sic) blueprint. Good work Eddie Burns...

6. Bull Durham- Not a rom-com you say?!? A sports movie?!? I say bullshit. It has always fascinated me how this is classified as a "sports" film. Short of happening to have baseball as the Macguffin, this is a complete rom-com. Sports guys can get away with saying they like it because it is minor league baseball. Really, they like it because the old, washed up has been (who just happens to be a pretty damn good looking Kevin Costner) steals the girl from the young, cool stud. Any way you cut it, it's a great film that you must see, sports aside, because it's a shockingly good love story that weathers time very well.

5. 13 Going On 30- The very definition of a rom-com. It's also a Big rip off, but ripping off an American classic is not exactly a bad idea. Mark Ruffalo crushes it (the best American actor you've never heard of) and Jennifer Gardner makes you forget that she is Ben Affleck's wife. This is a movie you can watch with your girlfriend/wife as a "favor" and you'll end up loving. It has some lines that are so creative and so well written, including a classic by Ruffalo in which he somehow manages to equate his love for a girl and his love for Razzles in the same sentence without either the girl or the audience knowing.

4. Hitch-
If you've read my blog or had a conversation with me over the past four years, you know my odd love for this movie. This IS what rom-coms should be. Funny, believable, heartfelt, and happy. Yeah, none of us look like Eva Mendes, Amber Valetta or Will Smith. And Kevin James would never get that girl, but somehow it all makes sense. And the Eva Mendes/Will Smith conversation in the bar over martinis is one I so wish I wrote. And I don't say that often.

3. Love Actually- Feeling like you hate your love life and you want to settle in with Ben, Jerry, a 12 Pack of Pabst and a flick? Then get this. Like Hitch, the perfect rom-com, only better. There's something for everyone here and while the Laura Linney brother story hurts it, the perfect acting brings it to a near four star level. Hugh Grant is at his absolute best and he literally makes me crack up three times (what the hell was that sound he made when his aide called his love interest fat?!?). Then there is Bill Nighy... Comedic genius... But the payoff is when Mark (Andrew Lincoln) shows up at Juliet's (Kiera Knightley) door. There's the rom to Bill Nighy's com. And there's a virtually perfect picture...

2. The American President- For years, I have been telling people to see this film. People may call it strictly a rom and not a com, but if they do, then they haven't seen Michael J. Fox light up this film. How it did not get the credit it deserved, I'll never know, but what I do know is that it is Michael Douglas at his finest. To refresh your memory, Mr. Douglas's three movies prior to this were pictures where he played a sex fiend (Basic Instinct), a gun toting lunatic (Falling Down), and a dude who got a blowjob from a hottie while he was married (no, not Fatal Attraction, but Disclosure), so I think that ultimately hurt the movie. But to say that at the time, he was pigeonholed would be an understatement. But after those three roles, he took the part as widower president Andrew Shepherd and he absolutely crushed it. He is literally the most likeable Michael Douglas has ever been- and that includes his Romancing The Stone Days. I watch this movie every time it is on TV and it is what rom-coms should be. The film has the best presidential press conference I've ever seen ("You want a character debate Bob? You better stick with me because Sydney Ellen Wade is way out of you league") and also not to be missed are Mr. Douglas's scenes with Martin Sheen playing pool ("No, but I could always pass her a note before study hall"). Awesome.

1. High Fidelity- If you haven't read this blog before, allow me to introduce myself... My name is Big G. I am Rob Gordon. And if you have read this blog and still haven't seen this movie, why shame on you. And if you have read this blog and HAVE seen this movie, what else did you expect?!? Just watch it again, okay?

Honorable Mention: About A Boy (Couldn't do two Nick Hornby, could I?), The Sweetest Thing (man Cameron can fill out a dress), Benny and Joon, and Just Like Heaven.

You Must Absolutely Miss Because They Are Beyond Bad: Singles, Six Days Seven Nights (that hurt Indiana/Han Solo), Bird On A Wire, Reality Bites, and The Last Kiss (neither a romance, nor a comedy... Just one of the stupidest films I've ever seen).


  1. ha ha, I'm writing a movie post right now...

    just a suggestion - you should change your blog name to "Seven You Should See" or "Seven You Should"

  2. Nice work. The American President should be #1.

    I like the new theme.
