If you haven't been watching The Bachelorette or have it on tivo, this is a spoiler. So be aware... If you couldn't care less then read on...
Okay.. You're good?
Because what I am about to say will annoy you.
Wes is the man...
For those of you that follow The Bachelorette, I am fully aware that this makes me sound like a douchebag. But allow me to speak.
For whatever number of years, ABC had perpetrated the fraud the The Bachelor/Bachelorette is somehow a valuable television show. TAnd more pathetic, they have convinced the audience that it is legit. ABC has convinced everyone that the people who go on this show are seeking "true love." Why people still buy into this idea is fascinating, but it also makes me understand why the divorce rate in the USA is 50%. Yes, this sounds crass, but it's a fact. I barely buy have the relationships I'm surrounded by, let alone the ones on TV.
Anyways, in the 17 seasons (yes, there have been 17 seasons of The Bachelor/Bacholrette) of the show, there has been exactly one relationship that has worked. We all know that to be Trista and Ryan. I don't have a calcualtor right in front of me, but I believe that 1 for 17 is even less than 50%, so in truth, The Bachelor/Bachelorette does nothing to help people find true love. And that's why the hate of the character Wes is amazing.
For those of you not interested in the show, let me explain to you what is happening.
Wes is a douche baggy guy from Texas who I would NEVER be friends with. He came on the show to promote his "Alt Rock Country" album at the advice of his management. He also came on the show with a full fledged girlfriend.
And with said girlfriend (who was apparently in on the whole thing because Wes made no bones about having a girlfriend while on the show) in hand, Wes made it into the final four where, in the limo, he admitted he had a girlfriend and was on the show to promote his album. It was reality show hall of fame material.
Now, true to form, every "respectful" girl in America had a meltdown. They claimed Wes was a conniving bastard who was on the show solely to promote his alt country album. Every week, the women of America HATED that Wes got a rose because- as the viewer- they knew he had a girlfriend and was on the show with the sole purpose to promote his album.
But a funny thing happened along the way. Wes became the Bachelorette's version of Puck.
And by this, I mean he became so hateable that you had to watch the show. He was a prick with a girlfriend who readily admitted he was on the show to promote his album. He was hated by everyone.
But you know what I say? Good for him.
I'm not doing this to be contrarian.
Yeah, he manipulated a girl and played with her heart, but a lot of us have done that. And to his credit, he never said he was doing anything differetly. From the very first episode, he made his intentions clear to the people around him. But yet every week, that dumb ass Canadien bitch gave him a rose and while the rest of society hated Wes, I said this: Good for you.
I know that Wes is a von douche and he and like I said, I would never be friends with him (unless he let me hit his sister who was SMOKIN when we saw her on the home visit). But good for him for exploiting the show. Because this show has somehow bamboozled the masses. Every person I know who has watched it HATES Wes and that's fine. He's a hateable guy. But why not hate the bachelor and bachelorette who have come on this how to advance their respective career?!? Do you all forget that fuckin Bob Gainey was a bachelor, but only after he lost 80 pounds and released an album?!? Do we not forget that this bachelorette was a chick who was bounced from the previous bachelor?!? I mean, everybody who goes onto a reality television shows goes on there for a reason?!? They all have an angle. I guarantee that stupid "nice guy" Jake will be the next Bacelor. Did he not go on their for a reason?!?
So for the first time in Bachelor/Bachelorette history, a guy went on the show with a clear, specific agenda. And he admitted it. Let's face facts folks: It's TV. Everyone goes on with an agenda, only Wes (Puck) is the first to admit it. Yet because of his in your face ways, America hated him. But all he did was the same thing everyone else on reality TV has done only he was stupid enough to ADMIT that's why he was doing it.
But in my eyes, I respect him because at least he was honest about it.
And what did that get him?
Hatred from anyone with ovaries.
And that's bullshit. And here's why:
ABC ALLOWED him on the show. And not only that, but they played his albums. If this thing wasn't as rigged as the card game in Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, then I don't know what is.
Every single person on that stupid show comes on with an agenda, but because they want to look like Jesus Christ, they act overly nice (like Jake, the next Bachelor. And remember, you heard it here first) and force a personality.
But Wes never did.
And in a society that supposedly hates fakes, why would we hate on Wes?
As I said, he is a douche, but really, all Wes did was take his 15 minutes of fame and try to parlay it into something big; just as EVERY PERSON on a reality show ties to do. The only difference is that Wes NEVER PRETENDED to be anything different, while everyone else does.
So really, why not give Wes some love?!?
He is hateable because he is so EASY to hate, but really, how is he different from anyone else on reality television?!? He saw his chance and he took it. As Simon Cowell has always said, you're going to step on a few people on the way to the top. And that's exactly what Wes did.
But, because ABC has somehow bamboozled people into thinking this is a real dating shiw, Wes got crushed. But all he did was take an opportunity to try to advance his career, just as the current bachelorette is doing.
So, when this whole thing unfolds and we see the episode "The Bachelorette, After the Rose" and learn that that Canadien bitch is not with Ed because they "couldn't work it out," then really, who gives a fuck what Wes did?!?
Ultimately, I think everyone hates Wes because they have all met a Wes once in their lives. Everyone has met met a guy or a girl who has played them and destroyed them. But where those people and Wes are different is that at least Wes always admitted he was playing people.
And in the end, that's why I love Wes. Yeah he's a douche bag, but at least he was an HONEST douche bag.
And shame on that chick for not seeing through that scam, but more importantly, shame on ABC for allowing Wes to be on that show because they knew his schtick. And they went for it, for ratings sake.
So hate Wes all you want, but hate ABC more because they made Wes.
Ultimately, I say good for Wes. He's watched people manipulate that show for years, so why shouldn't he get his too?!?
Hate Wes all you want ladies, but if you hate Wes, then stop watching reality TV because everyone on relaity TV is in it for the same reasons Wes was.
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