So yes, the Yankees won a week ago and it's old news. But you have heard me say for years that they are my second favorite team because I am a "baseball guy." Well, after watching these tool bags in the playoffs, the Yankees are not my second favorite team. Teixeira is an absolute fuckin goof, A-Rod has posters of himself as a Centaur, and if I met Nick Swisher in person, I'd want to kick him (you know he wears the outdated by three years Ed Hardy shirt, overly bedazzled and flared True Religions, and a faux hawk). Throw in goober Joba and shit stick Burnett and they have an awfully dislikable team. They still have Mo and Pettitte and that's good, but it is going to be fun absolutely hating these guys next year...
Believe the hype about Paranormal Activity as it is great. As my friends Dave and Scott will tell you, I let out a man scream in the theater and then had a hard time sleeping that night...
I feel like liquor stores rotate out the fall beers far too quickly. They come out right at the start of September and at that time, I am in fall denial and so I don't want the fall beers until later in the season. And now it's November 11th and liquor stores and bars are already out of fall beers and have transitioned to Winter Lagers. That's bunk...
Hideki Matsui as a DH instead of David Ortiz? Absolutely, if for no other reason than he drew a picture of his wife to introduce her on media day...
So I've been paying attention to this Bill Simmons WEEI feud and while I loathe Big O, Simmons can be a huge baby. Yes, EEI has been shredding him and I would certainly want to fire back if I were Simmons, but he SHOULD fire back and stop whining. He's made a career of absolutely crushing people and that's fine, but he has to understand that he is going to burn some bridges along the way. And if that is the case, I wish he'd just man up and fire back. He actually said some really funny things on The Sports Hub (like saying Big O surrounds himself with garbage talent who will never take his job... That was gold, Jerry, Gold!), but I wish he fired away at Big O on air. I mean, Christ Bill, I have four people who read my blog and three of those people likely hate me. You should recognize that the same is going to happen to you Bill. That said, I'll still buy his book...
Speaking of books, a new Chuck Klosterman book is out and it is called Eating The Dinosaur. It is absolutely hilarious and easy to read as it is a collection of essays. I am so jealous of the way he writes and I wonder if lines like this, "What are the things that make adults depressed? The master list is too comprehensive to quantify (plane crashes, unemployment, killer bees, impotence, Stringer Bell's murder, gambling addictions, crib death, the music of Bon Iver, et al.)" take him a while to think about or do they just come to him? "We used to read something called The Weekly Reader in second grade. This was like a newspaper for four foot tall illiterates." There is no way he came up with this on a whim is there? It's just incredible. He also writes in one sentence what I have been trying for ten years to say about Oprah, "Oprah is doing something good, but not necessarily for the motive of goodness." But his best chapter is on football. No, he doesn't shred it. He in fact loves football (I have known this for years and it doesn't bother me... Too much), but he writes how it can be compared to politics and if sports were politics, then football would be the screaming, ACLU card carrying, LIBERAL. He writes how that goes against what every fan thinks of the game (he cites that most fans of the game are Republicans polls say) because they see it s a gladiatoresque battle without guaranteed contracts and what have you. But really, it has changed more so than anything and that "liberal" coaches and coordinators who invented things like the no huddle offense, the Wildcat, and the West Coast offense were first seen as liberal freaks, but then were copied by everyone. So see football fans... You should be liberals because the game you love so much is The Bill Clinton of major sports...
My Cees will be 81-1. It's going to be awesome. It will be especially awesome when they have a better record than the 1986 Celtics and they win it all. Because then, hopefully, white people from Boston will stop talking about the 1986 Celtics...
Speaking of sports and liberals, kind of surprising to see that Morgan Freeman is playing the role of Nelson Mandela in the Clint Eastwood film Invictus. I guess the Wayans brothers had a prior commitment and couldn't take the part...
Sticking with the film theme, this could be a big awards season for me. Early buzz is that Damon may grab an Academy Award nom and that Clooney DEFINITELY will for Up In The Air. If my boy Cloon Dog wins he will have won the same amount as lame Niro and one more than stupid Pacino. Yes, this is what I think about...
My nut bag conservative friend (love you Steve!) who loves to toss political bombs at me via text (since I'm easier to reel in than a sunfish, he gets me with these all the time) told me an awesome story about Boston magazine and their "Best of Boston" issue. He relayed to me a story about a good friend who was nominated. After the nomination, the magazine then asked the nominee to make a $5000 donation. When the nominee said they did not have the money, the nomination was revoked. I've got to say that I completely buy this story because that Best of Boston issue has always irritated me and I haven't been able to figure out why. Well this is why. Every time I read that issue, I always feel like the "best" stuff really isn't the "best," but instead, is always just the most expensive. Or the most pretentious. I'm not a hard core follower of the magazine, but it feels like the winners are ALWAYS the same places and they are likely the same places because they give the most money to the magazine. In the words of Rob Gordon, I never liked Boston magazine much and I fuckin HATE it now...
I asked in my last post why the topic of every single conversation leading up to Halloween wasn't about skanks. Well, a couple of weeks ago, there was this shot of Erin Andrews at a college football game that showed up on TV and was then on Barstoolsports:

Like the Halloween conversation, how was this not absolutely the number one thing people were talking about for days?!? I mean, it should have been the most searched picture on Google and Yahoo! for days straight. I mean, people talked about J-Lo's ass for two years and everyone talks about Kim Kardashian's ass and this ass is way, WAY better than theirs combined. I mean, this is literally the best ass I have ever seen. Couple that with the outfit she's rocking and she's moving up my list. I've always liked her (as evidenced by an old post) and I'm pretty sure that if she met me, she'd like me...
Is there anything worse than unexpected car problems? I go today to get a slow leak in my tire fixed and my friggin rim is cracked. This is bad, both for safety reasons and monetary purposes. For some reason, my Jetta has "performance" tires and rims that are apparently so expensive, they belong on Shaq's car. $700 later, I got my slow leak fixed...
I'm mere weeks away from my song post (my favorite post, likely not yours) and what has been a weak year in music has picked up the last couple of weeks. Bat For Lashes is a phenomenal disc as is the new one from The Raveonettes, but if you have 99 cents to spare (and if you need a slow leak fixed, you likely don't) please download Passion Pit's "Little Secrets." There is not a song that will make you happier than this...
The Office has done an amazing job with the whole Jim and Pam thing. Marriages and babies are the two things that will make a show Jump The Shark, but The Office has handled the Jim and Pam marriage thing perfectly. They don't make it a central plot point and instead of having a silly will they or won't they thing (hello Cheers and Friends), they just made them get married and moved on with the show. It was a great move...
The Entertainment Weekly holiday film preview was awesome and I love the early Oscar discussion. There looks to be a few great ones out there but that stupid musical Nine with that stupid all star cast led by the stupid Daniel Day-Lewis will be... Wait for it... So stupid. I just absolutely hate musicals and this can and likely will be a great rant when I finally see Nine (yes, I see movies I know I will hate. More normal behavior.). I mean, in what situation do people just break into song and dance? God, musicals are stupid...
So very year my mother asks for a Christmas list. For whatever reason, this tradition has continued well into our adulthood and it always becomes a source of discussion in our family. Well, my list is 29 items long and features pictures and links to where to purchase said item. It took me almost two hours to complete. Yes, you are my friend...
This entire year of music has been fantastic.
ReplyDeleteYou are insane.
Okay BoHo Hipster Boy... If you have something for me, I'll listen to you. You were no doubt correct about The XX and Phoenix is great as is Black Joe Lewis. But let me tell you this... There have been some AWFUL releases this year. The albums with the two highest Metacritic scores are by bands that were relevant 17 and 37 years ago. In addition, there have been horrendous releases from Muse, Death Cab For Cutie, and The Arctic Monkeys. There has been critical acclaim for Animal Collective and Super Furry Animals and both bands are god awful, poseur bands who only tools from Berklee clad in their super skinng jeans and western shirts like. Then there is what appears to be a bomb of an album from Weezer, a lame effort by Massive Attack (whom I love), and sloppy, unoriginal releases from Jay Z, The Heartless Bastards, Dinosaur Jr., and Mission of Burma; four of my staple favorites. And don't get me started on that train wreck that is Alice In Chains. So Mr. McKennan... Don't you just sit there and pontificate on what a great year of music it has been without citing a single thread of solid information.
ReplyDeleteAndrew Bird
Kid Cudi
The xx
Flaming Lips
Basement Jaxx
Bat for Lashes
Built to Spill
Lightning Bolts
Grizzly Bear
Mason Jennings
Mayer Hawthorne
Yo La Tengo
White Denim
Avett Brothers
AA Bondy
The Antlers
Manchester Orchestra
In regards to Erin Andrews once you have seen said ass (and other graphic parts) totally nude you can't unring that bell. Who cares what she looks like clothed anymore, though she's still my #1 girl not named Molly. As for the Christmas list I wanted to punch you when that landed in my inbox and I cannot promise I won't come T-Day.
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