Yeah, yeah. It's been over a month. Sporcle.com has done me in. It's also proven that I have far less knowledge than I thought I had, but anyways, on to the good stuff...
Let me get this straight. David Letterman- who hasn't made an inappropriate comment in his 45 years in the business- is now a pedophile? Here's why this is awesome: My conservative friends (and I have a ton!) are always hammering we liberals for "whining" and "taking things to seriously." Well, it must be dark days for the GOP because if they have to rally around this and try to get David Letterman fired, then it really is a sorry state of affairs for the poor Republicans. And when was rape mentioned? Was it when he made a joke about Bristol Palin, the senior in high school who was in fact, knocked up?!? Or was it when he said A-Rod raped a girl. Oh wait, he didn't say that. So wake me up when he says something offensive about gays, blacks, or immigrants, like Limbaugh, Savage, and Severin do nightly. Anyways, I've always loved Dave and I love him even more after this. Legendary...
Sticking with the Late Night thing, I've never been a huge Conan O'Brien guy. I do find him quite funny, but I just never got into him. But what NBC is doing to him by putting Jay Leno in prime time is just garbage. Conan must be like, "Thanks for the vote of confidence NBC!" Oh well. All those old, conservative bastards who like Mr. Hook Chin can go to bed 90 minutes earlier now...
We now officially have two months in Boston: winter and summer. July 4th is in less than three weeks and it felt like early April the past three mornings...
Night school has ended, so I plan on crushing my Netflix movies. I did see Twilight and I have two questions. What the hell was that baseball scene and why does Kristin Stewart only have one facial expression? Isn't she an actor? Act goddamit! She spent the whole movie being that overly dramatic emo kid you have in class who you want to punch...
Just two short years ago, I loved all of the star players in the NBA and then the Celtics got good and now I hate them all with an unbridled passion. I was so happy when LeBron lost and I wanted Kobe to lose so badly. I do not think there is someone I have more of a love/hate relationship with than Kobe Bryant. He is so good that it is almost nauseating but at the same time, he is just plain nauseating. Bill Simmons crushed an article on him Monday. he said everything I wanted to say, but can't. That's probably why he is employed by ESPN and I am employed by Lynnfield Public Schools...
Speaking of Lynnfield, cool Millie is retiring and it got me to thinking: Imagine being retired?!? You collect a check and are on permanent vacation. How unbelievable is that? I have 13 years in. What you think my pension is now? $136 a week? I might do it...
I've been waiting for a good hip hop song for years and I found it in The Knux "Cappucino." Of course, it took a bunch of Hipster rappers to make a good rap song. If only 50 Cent and Eminem could figure out that THIS is what we want in hip hop. Enjoy (and special thanks to my curmudgeon brother for showing me the way yet again)...
My boy Shaughnessey destroyed it again Monday. He ripped L.A. for their ridiculous use of the word great and for the beatification of Phil Jackson. My boy constantly gets shredded for writing anti-Boston articles (it's called humor kids), but Monday's was awesome. And he's right. If KG doesn't get hurt, we are having the second most fun spring ever this year...
I'm missing the Celtics even more because the Red Sox are officially doing nothing for me. Thankfully, I have three of them on my second place fantasy team, so I can watch them and root for them...
Full disclosure: One of them is Youkilis. It sucks rooting for Youkilis...
I have been to a plethora of Dave Matthews concerts over the years, not so much because I am a superfan, but mostly because someone is always inviting me (likely because they know I like to get drunk). And I must say that "Funny The Way It Is" is the best thing he has done it years. It absolutely rocks and has one of the best lines in recent music. Not that you care, but knowing me I'm sure you'll figure it out...
So I am going to apply for a job at the movie website joblo.com. They are currently accepting applications and they need a writing sample. Any suggestions as to which one I should send..?
I am officially done with the Sandbox on WFNX (although I keep listening). I started this as a separate post a few days ago and couldn't get angry enough which must mean that the show isn't relevant enough to earn my true ire. But my hatred for the show revolves around Special Ed. He is SUCH a contrarian that it is beyond annoying. Now, I know this is coming from Coughlin Contrarian over here, but I do not argue EVERYTHING just to argue it (I always have rational reasons for my points). He has to battle everything and I understand that a radio/television show works well when there is differeing opinions but he has really been too much of late. I wish I could give a more solid example, but like I said, he isn't even annoying me enough to recall one as I type this. I also think the show is trying to draw in a different crowd than what FNX used to draw in. Listen to who calls in some time. It's people from Southern New Hampshire, Billerica, and Tewksbury. I haven't heard a hipster opinion on there since the inception of the show. Also, their morning playlists have been god awful. Three months ago, they played to death every ALMOST cool song like MGMT and Airborne Toxic Event. They have now rotated out anything new and are instead playing old standbys Weezer, The Offspring, Foo Fighters, Sublime (you know I listen during that), Rage Against the Machine, and U2. And while I at one time liked Weezer and Sublime and Rage and The Offspring, they might be my generations alternative cock rock. By this I mean they are the types of bands you can SAY you like and still have music credibility, but at the end of the day, you are saying you like bands that are between thirty and fifteen years old at this point. Just play something new FNX and fire Special Ed...
Like my FNX blog, I also tried a blog after The National show/day. I could not put the day into words. I'll just say that I now understand Dead Heads and that Saturday was probably the greatest day of my adult life. How's that for a review..?
Hungry Mother has replaced the Highland Kitchen as the Boston Globe's most loved restaurant...
So, I didn't watch a morsel of American idol this year (well, maybe I watched a bit), but the hatred for Lambert was funny. I think people despised him so much because he was annointed The One by the judges and was always the favorite. But while he was at times screechy and was definitely over the top, he never rubbed me the wrong way. He was never really a tool and he seemed pretty genuine when that vanilla southern kid won. And I always found the screechy critique odd. I think Guns 'N Roses sold a few records with this screechy guy as a frontman...
Speaking of that vanilla southern kid who won, what's the over/under on his marriage lasting? I say 18 months...
Megan Fox continues to be the hottest chick I have ever seen. It's almost unfair to the rest of the chicks of the world. But reading her interviews makes me 100% convinced that she is a female chuckah. But hey, she did say she likes old guys and I qualify as an Old Guy. Although she is a chuckah, she is forgiven for reasons like this...

See that debate where they are trying to get rates changed on texting because it is almost 100% profit and the rates they charge are so high that it could legally qualify as price gouging?!? How awesome would this be for me since I think I am single handedly keeping AT&T in business with my texts...
I may have lost my music snob fastball because A) I love yet another Kelly Clarkson

I actually hate Sporcle because the movie games puts a lot of pressure on me. I know that four of my four readers play a good amount of trivia and there is nothing worse than FEELING the pressure of the category that you are SUPPOSED to answer. For example, I have not played the name the Brad Pitt movies because I know I'll fuck it up and forget Seven and Fight Club or something...
Well, school ends in mere moments and a new countdown starts. 44 more days until The All Points West Music Festival in Liberty Park. It's a three day festival. I am going Friday night. You can probably guess why...
In the words of Schwarzenegger, I'll be back. Soon. Until then, here's to the summer...
man you give me credit for nuthin on here! where's my shout out!