Well looky here! Two posts in less than 24 hours! I'm in the zone!
Anyways, I've always wanted to do a running diary of something and write as it happens. I've thought about doing the Academy Awards, but I like that too much and just want to pay attention to it. I've also thought about doing a movie and just pointing out all the awesomeness in every scene. But you people would make it through nine lines of that. And so as I was flipping through the channels, I stumbled across a show on CBS at 10:00pm last night. I was mad at myself for forgetting it was on. I was even madder that my computer wasn't near me. But anyways, here it is. Th First Annual Running Diary of The Victoria Secret Fashion Show, which is better known as the show that makes men and women alike want to slice fat off of their love handles as they watch. I think I've watched this show before and I think it's bad. But that should make it all the more fun. And sorry this isn't out until the day after. My editor wanted to look it over. So, without further ado...
10:00: Hey look! A washed up former VS model is hosting. Heidi Klum. This thing has a host?
10:01: Look at these credits?!? This cast rivals True Romance.
10:01: Whoa... Hey... Who is Miranda Kerr?!? Aside from a girl who

10:02: Is that Usher as a musical guest?!? Oh God... This show is going to have every B List star alive. I guarantee Diddy is in the house...
10:03: Giant wings... Very practical... I haven't met girls who wear those...
10:04: Please read five lines above and note the time... I swear to God this is happening in real time, but I'm pretty sure I just saw Diddy. Next to Martha Stewart I think.
10:04: Here's my first in a series of Marisa Miller questions and it's for the ladies: Do you guys hate on her like you hate on every other woman or do you take my Brad/George/Becks/Leo stance and just admit how ridiculously awesome she is?
10:05: And a Paris Hilton shot... I swear to God I did not see this before my opening remarks... You people know State Capitals, dangling participles, and math formulas. I know me B List.
10:06: I like that Usher is singing a very current and timely song...
10:07: Two things confirmed... One, I am more prescient than Nostradamus... Two, that is Diddy... Two seats over from K Mart's own Martha Stewart. How did I lose so much betting on football games back in college with this ESP I have?
10:07: Duhammel... The B List continues..
10:11: Can you imagine a worse room to be in if you are a softball catcher than this giant "hair and makeup room?" And there is no way, absolutely NO WAY these girls like each other. It's not humanly possible. I'd love to have a hidden camera and listen to Alessandra talk about how she saw Adrianna eating a piece of celery with PEANUT BUTTER earlier in the day and how fat she looks because of it.
10:13: Hey, look. A guy with bongos who no one has ever heard of.
10:14: Next Marisa Miller question: If you were her high school boyfriend, how exactly, are you functioning sexually these days? That 33 year old mother of three sitting next to you on the couch can't be getting it done, can it? And when you tell your college buddies that you used to hit that, do they laugh so hard that they can't breath or do they just look at you for a few seconds and go back to their beers?
10:18: Was that Jeff Gordon and his Judd wife?
10:18: The big guns continue to roll out... Brett Ratner... Director of Rush Hour 2!
10:19: No way that doughnut Marisa is eating is real. It was digitally inserted in. Really, she was eating a paper towel.

10:24: The Killers! Nice! You know my sex drive is waning when the highlight of the night is a song by an all male band.
10:26: Shot of Lenny Kravitz as Adrianna Lima walks out... As many of you likely know, they used to date. For a while. And she says she is a virgin. Lenny walks down the street and lays women just by looking at them. There is no way that Adrianna spent time with Lenny and didn't get defiled.
10:27: There's Diddy. Applauding a model in Granny Panties. Man, he's lost his way.
10:28: Marisa question #3... Are they real?
10:28: My future ex-wife has a cut on the back of her foot. I know a guy who can fix that.... Trainer Steve Mirasolo!!!
10:29: The VS girls are talking about bad pick up lines. There are guys that actually talk to these women without dry heaving from nervousness?
10:29: Just what I want to see on the VS fashion show... Girls in one piece bathing suits dancing that are not VICTORIA SECRET MODELS!!!!! I paid to see U2! Not a U2 cover band!!!
10:30: That's nice. They invited a burn victim to the show... Oh wait, that's just Seal.
10:32: I guarantee these women survive on a 175 calorie a day diet.
10:33: Another thing I don't want to see at the VS Fashion Show. Women in winter clothing. If I wanted to see that, I'd walk down Comm Ave on a Friday night in January. More skin please!
10:37: Hey, a commercial for Mt. Auburn Hospital! The very place I was born! And many years later, the very same place I'd have my first rectal exam!
10:38: Nice! Usher's back! CBS definitely wants to make this the Victoria Secret Fashion Show circa 2005. At least they'd have Gisele there, thus insuring them at least one A Lister.
10:41: Speaking of Usher, in my mid-twenties, when I really wanted to know how to dance better, I taped the Usher "U Remind Me" video and I would watch it over and over, attempting to learn his moves. True story.
10:42: THAT'S the President Of Victoria's Secret? I don't think she started as a model.
10:43: God this show is awful, but wait... Is that..? Bloc Party! "Banquet!" Yes! Holy shit! I'm so happy now! But wait. My two favorite parts of this show are all male bands, one of whom is fronted by a gay man. Do I officially need to sort some things out?
10:46: Marisa question #4: If you are currently dating her and you have the "what should we do for dinner tonight?" conversation for the umpteenth time, are you annoyed with her or do you roll with it because she's... You know... Marisa Miller?
10:47: My brother just walked in and said these two things: "Marisa Miller is kind of a butterface" and "some of these girls asses aren't that good." True story. Between his penchant for neatness and comments like these, I sometimes wonder if he was adopted.
10:47: Out strolls Adrianna Lima. She just walked by Lenny and he dropped his seed in her. Again.
10:48: They have my future ex-wife in the evenings worst outfit. And the more I look at her, the more I'm beginning to think she's 18.
10:49: Commercial time. Three things: This show has more commercials than Oprah. I haven't watched something this disappointingly bad since the second Matrix. What the hell are all these TV shows that CBS is advertising?

10:50: WBZ News says Whitey is turning himself in. No way The Brother of The Former President of The University of Massachusetts is turning himself in. He's enjoying Venezuela too much.
10:52: Here comes the big finale. The only way this show is going to rally is if Marisa's silicon tit falls out or we see Adrianna Lima come out nine months pregnant from Kravitz's super sperm.
10:55: Final Marisa Miller question: If you're having drinks at Maryanne's and there is a table of hot, skankily dressed BC girls talking about how good looking you are and you happen to overhear them, do you chat them up on the way to the bathroom?
10:55: Who do you think these models are pointing to when they gesture to someone in the audience? Their mothers and fathers for giving them these genes? Their plastic surgeon? Their agent? Boyfriend? Kravitz?
10:57: Safety pin located! Crisis averted! These girls have a tough job. This morning on FNX, they were talking about recession proof jobs. Is Victoria's Secret Model recession proof?
10:58: Here comes the big finale... The models come out... They bow... They look thin and hot... They run back stage and talk about the after party (which will be full of White Russians made with heavy cream and meatloaf sandwiches I'm sure)... My 18 year old future ex-wife thanks me for watching... And over...
10:59: Can I have the last hour of my life back?
I tried. I made it through six lines...
ReplyDeleteA few things...
ReplyDelete1. Heidi Klum is far from "washed up." She may not be modeling right now but she is currently extremely successful in other endeavors. She ALWAYS looks good and has a banging body after 3 kids and she's friggin adorable.
2. I'm shocked you haven't heard of Miranda Kerr. She is dating Orlando Bloom...sorry.
3. Just like Megan Fox, I have been a fan of Marisa Miller for a VERY long time. She is LITERALLY my favorite girl on the planet and has my ideal body. To answer a few of your questions, I've contemplated this for many years and I think they are real. Also, I love the fact that she was "discovered" while surfing in CA. The only thing I'm put off by is her choice of a husband...looks like a huge douchebag to me.
may I defend myself? First of all, if you recall, after I said Marissa Miller is a butterface I clarified that and said she isn't, but she is simply looking a little old these days in the face, so I don't actually think she is a butterface. However I do stand by my ass comment. I consider myself a bit of an ass expert as I spend a significant amount of time studying this aspect of the female anatomy. I do think that their asses aren't that great as they are too small and skinny. You could really notice this as they walked down the runway and you can also notice it when they are in street clothes in photos. I stand by my contention that most men, if they saw them in person would agree and would prefer the ass of Eva Mendes, Scarlett Johanssen, Jessica Alba, or Jessica Biel over most of those on the victoria's secret models. That being said, I do think they are all extremely beautiful and in person their overall beauty would outshine their one very minor flaw.
ReplyDeleteAlso I think its pretty funny when you think about it that none of these girls actually have any discernible talent other than, as derek Zoolander would put it, being "really, really, incredibly good looking". They can't sing, dance, or act, they can't even read a teleprompter like a newswoman or weather woman, just kinda funny I think.
Also molly, while I don't think Klum is totally washed up, she is approaching that status AS A MODEL. (cue sarcastic condescension) Modeling is a cruel cruel business and you either have it or you don't. You can't make things conditional by saying she has a banging body "after having 3 kids", either you are a smoking hot top model or you aren't. I don't think top model agencies or top designers care about your personal history.
Also for the record, I just want everyone to know that Molly was the first to think to shape something into a wheel to make it easier to transport and carry goods over distances. I also believe she was the first person to cut a loaf of bread into slices to aid in the making of sandwiches instead of just ripping pieces off like a savage.
Also totally agree on all the comeback argument
amazing that I don't know of a single female you just mentioned above....yet I probably know 80% of the actresses listed under "midnight movies" on On Demand on Cinemax
ReplyDeleteYou got defensive and so will I...I talk about being the "first" because I know Big G hates it. And also because I'm competitive. You're out of your fucking mind if you think the models' asses aren't good. And kids or no kids Heidi Klum is smokin.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell were you doing at Maryanne's?